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Photographer in Paris

Professional photographer and retoucher in Paris, specializing in corporate photography, portraiture, packshot photography, architectural photography, working in Paris as well as in Normandy, in France as well as abroad.

Professional photographer in Paris

Photographer in Paris. I’m ready to help you with all your visual challenges. Available in Paris and everywhere else in France and abroad.

For a company, choosing the right means of communication is a guarantee of visibility and helps develop your brand image. It’s important to be very careful with poor-quality photographs, which can damage your public image. The ideal solution is to call on a professional to photograph your content. You can entrust him with a number of projects that will help you represent your company. Examples include :

  • Take a picture of your premises to show your employees the working environment you offer them;
  • Create a trombinoscope with photos of your teams;
  • Making a photo and video report;
  • Create portraits of each of your employees;
  • Take product photos;
  • Create event photography for the events your company organizes;

A good presentation of your team will show your customers your seriousness and professionalism. You can also rent a photo studio with your photographer in Paris. A professional photo studio is the place designed to best meet the needs of photographers and their clients. Par aille





corporate photography

What can a professional photographer in Paris do for a company's image?

For a company, showcasing professional photos can make a significant contribution to improving brand image. It’s fair to say that in reality, the respect your brand commands increases more or less in proportion to the quality of the photos you publish. In addition to the logo and slogan, photography is just as important in creating impact with potential customers. Moreover, given the large number of competitors your company may have, customer loyalty is crucial. With a corporate photographer, you can trigger your customers’ empathy by playing with images. So, contrary to what many people may think, the image of a company’s employees is of particular importance to its success. A company portrait allows potential customers to discover your team, your values and your culture. On the corporate side, it highlights the creativity and expertise of your teams, the vitality of your employees and the special importance you place on your customers.

Strengthen your brand image

Benefit from the services of an experienced photographer in Paris

By calling on a professional photographer to capture photos for your company, you’ll benefit from his or her experience in shooting, retouching to enhance your photos, and project management. Equipped with the right equipment, a professional will immortalize your products, or the smiles of your staff, with professionalism and quality. What’s more, the Paris photographer will offer you a service tailored to your needs and those of your company. His expertise will also enable you to create unique images adapted to each communication medium you require. All the information gathered by the professional will be used to produce the right shots for your requirements, in line with your specifications.

Expertise in image processing

Expertise in image processing is not a criterion to be taken lightly in your search for a Paris photographer. During photo shoots, professional photographers will seek out the best angles to highlight what you want in your business. They know how to put employees at ease so as to capture a good photo-portrait. To enhance visuals, they have the technical know-how to retouch photos with moderation so you can enjoy professional quality. Entrusting your company’s photo shoot to a professional Paris photographer is therefore essential if you are to benefit from high-quality, striking visuals. Beautiful photos inspire confidence in potential buyers and business partners alike. But above all, it’s also the ideal opportunity for you to stand out from the competition.

Entrust us with your corporate projects in Paris

For a company located in Paris, the city with the most workers and businesses, finding a professional photographer can be difficult. Don’t hesitate to entrust us with your projects to strengthen your company’s image. Equipped with the necessary materials and expertise in the field, we know how to put them to good use to bring added value to your organization. To get an idea of our expertise, take a look at all our achievements available directly on our website.

Find us on photopresta or



Humanize your Le Havre VSE/SME through your corporate portrait

A corporate photo-portrait for very small businesses

Signing a contract with a customer is a fundamental moment in a company’s development. Customers do need reassurance. He needs to know what the other person looks like. So it’s through a company portrait that you can make a first impression on your prospects. As a professional corporate photographer, I can offer you a photo shoot tailored to your services. If you work outdoors, I can highlight your work environment. If your business is much more creative, I can guide you in the right gestures and postures for a natural result in keeping with your activity.

Corporate portraits can be used on brochures, flyers or digital media. In fact, having a quality profile photo on social networks, and particularly on professional platforms such as LinkedIn, is essential for your VSE’s brand image.

A corporate portrait for SMEs

A corporate portrait for an SME can bring a number of benefits. Whether on location or in a photo studio, corporate portraits give you the opportunity to convey your company’s values. It’s a modern, effective way of showcasing your employees and boosting your brand image. Photos put the human side at the heart of your marketing and communication strategy.

This gives your potential customers the opportunity to put a face to your company. They can identify with your brand image and are therefore more likely to trust you. To achieve this goal, corporate portraits need to reflect your professionalism.

If you’re in Le Havre, don’t hesitate to call on my services as a professional portrait photographer. I’ll help you create and personalize a staging. I’ll take care of the essential elements of a photoshoot, such as lighting, postures and the mood of the portraits required. I’ll ensure a harmonious result that meets the company’s needs.

Today, many small and medium-sized businesses are multi-skilled. As a corporate photographer, I showcase your services and expertise by creating authentic shots. This gives you a complete photo library that you can use to communicate your corporate culture.

The corporate portraits I create for your company can be used both internally and externally: in-house newspaper, activity reports, websites and social networks, business cards, sales support, presentation folder, press, photo album.

Corporate photojournalism Le Havre

Photo reportage for small businesses

This type of report is an effective tool for promoting a company. A few photos can be enough to highlight a construction site, an activity or a production tool. Reportage photography is also a great way to tell your company’s story. That of a man or woman who has decided to take his or her future into their own hands.

When it comes to reportage, I work discreetly, so that each employee can forget I’m there and carry out gestures they’ve mastered to perfection. The result of my photos will therefore be natural and a perfect reflection of their expertise. Once you’ve unveiled the report, your employees and potential customers will learn more about your company. It’s through this kind of approach that a company stands out from its competitors and gains visibility.

Photojournalism for SMEs

In addition to traditional communication media, a photojournalist brings out the human side of the company. So every photo I take is carefully thought out and analyzed to make the most of each of my clients. I offer a sensitive and sincere vision of your corporate culture. Each environment (photography studio, outdoors…) is designed to enhance your shots.

Whether you work in tourism, construction or the culinary field in Le Havre, I put my photographic skills to work to create a story. The aim is to give prospects the opportunity to discover the SME in an authentic way. The images you offer them aren’t just empty, aesthetic clichés. For these will be services, products, places or production tools implemented by professionals in the trade.

The photos from this type of reportage will be useful for the SME’s website or social networks. When it comes to craftsmen and designers, a photo report is an effective tool for feeding a store. The photos can also be used in press articles, advertorials and other communication media. Whether on paper or on the web, your company’s activity will be reborn through a corporate photo reportage.

Corporate photography for your corporate events

When it comes to corporate events, one thing’s for sure: an amateur won’t be able to capture the details of the moment like a professional photographer.

Corporate photography is all about showcasing your company’s potential. What’s more, taking professional photos of a corporate event is a must, to be used as a reference for future events.

Using a photographer in Le Havre for your corporate events is an effective way of enhancing the company’s workforce. It’s important to note that every employee still enjoys seeing their photos in their company’s official profile. Corporate photography can therefore become an excellent tool for motivating your team.

That’s why it’s always a good idea to use professional photographers, who can play a vital role in helping your company create a brand identity.

If you want to give your company a more “corporate”, authentic and pleasant touch, don’t hesitate to contact a photographer in Le Havre. My experience and know-how will accompany you for your future corporate events. I know how to make your events have a direct impact on your brand’s identity. Every shot I offer you will reflect your expertise and know-how to the full.

What’s more, for your various events, I give you the chance to benefit from unique shots, which arouse the motivation and level of interest of each participant. So if you’re planning an important corporate event, don’t hesitate to call on my services to make your event unforgettable through sublime images.